치과 전문의와 함께하는 실전 창업
치과 전문의와 함께하는 실전 창업
치과 전문의와 함께하는 실전 창업
치과 개업을 위해 스마일덴탈 케어 솔루션을 퍼실리티즈에서 제공해드립니다.
치과 개업을 위해 스마일덴탈 케어 솔루션을 퍼실리티즈에서 제공해드립니다.
치과 개업을 위해 스마일덴탈 케어 솔루션을 퍼실리티즈에서 제공해드립니다.

치과 개업에 필요한 장비
Early (severe) caries in childhood, known as the case of decayed teeth in children, is one of the most common dental problems in children. It is an acute caries, with early onset, with rapid evolution, which affects the young child. It is manifested by cavitation or non-cavitation, missing teeth or obturated surfaces on any temporary tooth, as a result of dental caries.
It was found that the introduction of tooth brushing at a younger age and the supervision of brushing by parents, significantly reduce the severity of carious damage in children with incorrect feeding and care habits. It is recommended that tooth brushing starts as soon as possible after the eruption of the first temporary teeth.
Children who have not already established the habit of tooth brushing at the age of 1 have more chances to be caries-free at the age of 3.
For pre-school and preschool children, brushing teeth does not ensure a correct cleaning of the teeth. By supervising the brushing, the shortcomings of the brushing technique performed by the child are removed.
Detecting early severe caries in the initial stage of development is difficult, because the white spots of demineralization are difficult for parents to notice.
The dentist rarely detects this pattern of caries, because parents are not used to bringing their children to regular dental check-ups from a young age.
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that around the age of 1, the child has the first consultation performed by the pediatric dentist.
If the child is brought to a dental check-up at the first signs of the disease, the pedodontist will make a differential diagnosis with graft caries on enamel hypoplasia (in the case of white spots) or exogenous coloring (in the case of brown or black spots).
The opaque white spots are spotted using the air spray. In this stage, which lasts a little while, the color change is not accompanied by pain. Later, the loss of substance occurs. Parents may notice the change in color due to altered dental hard tissues or may be alarmed by the pain caused by sweet, cold or hot foods or drinks. Untreated cavities in temporary teeth progress rapidly due to the permeability of the dental tissues and their smaller thickness. Thus, acute inflammation of the dental pulp occurs , which causes spontaneous pain. Children with multiple dental caries may have a low appetite because mastication becomes painful. Preschoolers with dental problems are manifested by nutritional disorders and sleep disturbances.
Often, the first decayed teeth in children are the upper incisors, which usually erupt early, in the first year of life. It is considered that the supine position in which the infant spends many hours causes sweetened liquids (milk, tea, juices, etc.) to stagnate for a long period of time on the vestibular surfaces of the anterior teeth, and in the upper frontals the salivary flow is less than in other parts of the oral cavity. That is why cleaning is more difficult and takes a much longer time. The lower incisors are less affected by the carious attack due to the protection offered by the soft parts (tongue, lower lip) and the proximity of the openings of the submandibular and sublingual glands. Saliva from these glands protects the teeth from acids produced by dental plaque, as well as from cariogenic liquids.
At the level of the front teeth, the lesions are generally located on smooth surfaces, considered with low risk of caries. The most common location is on the vestibular or oral surfaces, near the package or, less often, on the approximate surfaces, the incisal edge not being affected.
At the level of the molars, the lesions can be located both on the smooth, vestibular and oral surfaces, where the enamel is thinner, as well as on the occlusal surfaces, in grooves and pits.
Up to the age of 2 and a half years, the smooth surfaces of the upper incisors and the occlusal surfaces of the first molars are affected, and up to the age of 3 and a half, caries progress on the smooth surfaces of the upper canines and the occlusal surfaces of the 2nd temporary molars. At the age of 5 years, the proximal surfaces of all temporary molars are usually affected.

치과 개업에 필요한 장비
Early (severe) caries in childhood, known as the case of decayed teeth in children, is one of the most common dental problems in children. It is an acute caries, with early onset, with rapid evolution, which affects the young child. It is manifested by cavitation or non-cavitation, missing teeth or obturated surfaces on any temporary tooth, as a result of dental caries.
It was found that the introduction of tooth brushing at a younger age and the supervision of brushing by parents, significantly reduce the severity of carious damage in children with incorrect feeding and care habits. It is recommended that tooth brushing starts as soon as possible after the eruption of the first temporary teeth.
Children who have not already established the habit of tooth brushing at the age of 1 have more chances to be caries-free at the age of 3.
For pre-school and preschool children, brushing teeth does not ensure a correct cleaning of the teeth. By supervising the brushing, the shortcomings of the brushing technique performed by the child are removed.
Detecting early severe caries in the initial stage of development is difficult, because the white spots of demineralization are difficult for parents to notice.
The dentist rarely detects this pattern of caries, because parents are not used to bringing their children to regular dental check-ups from a young age.
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that around the age of 1, the child has the first consultation performed by the pediatric dentist.
If the child is brought to a dental check-up at the first signs of the disease, the pedodontist will make a differential diagnosis with graft caries on enamel hypoplasia (in the case of white spots) or exogenous coloring (in the case of brown or black spots).
The opaque white spots are spotted using the air spray. In this stage, which lasts a little while, the color change is not accompanied by pain. Later, the loss of substance occurs. Parents may notice the change in color due to altered dental hard tissues or may be alarmed by the pain caused by sweet, cold or hot foods or drinks. Untreated cavities in temporary teeth progress rapidly due to the permeability of the dental tissues and their smaller thickness. Thus, acute inflammation of the dental pulp occurs , which causes spontaneous pain. Children with multiple dental caries may have a low appetite because mastication becomes painful. Preschoolers with dental problems are manifested by nutritional disorders and sleep disturbances.
Often, the first decayed teeth in children are the upper incisors, which usually erupt early, in the first year of life. It is considered that the supine position in which the infant spends many hours causes sweetened liquids (milk, tea, juices, etc.) to stagnate for a long period of time on the vestibular surfaces of the anterior teeth, and in the upper frontals the salivary flow is less than in other parts of the oral cavity. That is why cleaning is more difficult and takes a much longer time. The lower incisors are less affected by the carious attack due to the protection offered by the soft parts (tongue, lower lip) and the proximity of the openings of the submandibular and sublingual glands. Saliva from these glands protects the teeth from acids produced by dental plaque, as well as from cariogenic liquids.
At the level of the front teeth, the lesions are generally located on smooth surfaces, considered with low risk of caries. The most common location is on the vestibular or oral surfaces, near the package or, less often, on the approximate surfaces, the incisal edge not being affected.
At the level of the molars, the lesions can be located both on the smooth, vestibular and oral surfaces, where the enamel is thinner, as well as on the occlusal surfaces, in grooves and pits.
Up to the age of 2 and a half years, the smooth surfaces of the upper incisors and the occlusal surfaces of the first molars are affected, and up to the age of 3 and a half, caries progress on the smooth surfaces of the upper canines and the occlusal surfaces of the 2nd temporary molars. At the age of 5 years, the proximal surfaces of all temporary molars are usually affected.

치과 개업에 필요한 장비
Early (severe) caries in childhood, known as the case of decayed teeth in children, is one of the most common dental problems in children. It is an acute caries, with early onset, with rapid evolution, which affects the young child. It is manifested by cavitation or non-cavitation, missing teeth or obturated surfaces on any temporary tooth, as a result of dental caries.
It was found that the introduction of tooth brushing at a younger age and the supervision of brushing by parents, significantly reduce the severity of carious damage in children with incorrect feeding and care habits. It is recommended that tooth brushing starts as soon as possible after the eruption of the first temporary teeth.
Children who have not already established the habit of tooth brushing at the age of 1 have more chances to be caries-free at the age of 3.
For pre-school and preschool children, brushing teeth does not ensure a correct cleaning of the teeth. By supervising the brushing, the shortcomings of the brushing technique performed by the child are removed.
Detecting early severe caries in the initial stage of development is difficult, because the white spots of demineralization are difficult for parents to notice.
The dentist rarely detects this pattern of caries, because parents are not used to bringing their children to regular dental check-ups from a young age.
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that around the age of 1, the child has the first consultation performed by the pediatric dentist.
If the child is brought to a dental check-up at the first signs of the disease, the pedodontist will make a differential diagnosis with graft caries on enamel hypoplasia (in the case of white spots) or exogenous coloring (in the case of brown or black spots).
The opaque white spots are spotted using the air spray. In this stage, which lasts a little while, the color change is not accompanied by pain. Later, the loss of substance occurs. Parents may notice the change in color due to altered dental hard tissues or may be alarmed by the pain caused by sweet, cold or hot foods or drinks. Untreated cavities in temporary teeth progress rapidly due to the permeability of the dental tissues and their smaller thickness. Thus, acute inflammation of the dental pulp occurs , which causes spontaneous pain. Children with multiple dental caries may have a low appetite because mastication becomes painful. Preschoolers with dental problems are manifested by nutritional disorders and sleep disturbances.
Often, the first decayed teeth in children are the upper incisors, which usually erupt early, in the first year of life. It is considered that the supine position in which the infant spends many hours causes sweetened liquids (milk, tea, juices, etc.) to stagnate for a long period of time on the vestibular surfaces of the anterior teeth, and in the upper frontals the salivary flow is less than in other parts of the oral cavity. That is why cleaning is more difficult and takes a much longer time. The lower incisors are less affected by the carious attack due to the protection offered by the soft parts (tongue, lower lip) and the proximity of the openings of the submandibular and sublingual glands. Saliva from these glands protects the teeth from acids produced by dental plaque, as well as from cariogenic liquids.
At the level of the front teeth, the lesions are generally located on smooth surfaces, considered with low risk of caries. The most common location is on the vestibular or oral surfaces, near the package or, less often, on the approximate surfaces, the incisal edge not being affected.
At the level of the molars, the lesions can be located both on the smooth, vestibular and oral surfaces, where the enamel is thinner, as well as on the occlusal surfaces, in grooves and pits.
Up to the age of 2 and a half years, the smooth surfaces of the upper incisors and the occlusal surfaces of the first molars are affected, and up to the age of 3 and a half, caries progress on the smooth surfaces of the upper canines and the occlusal surfaces of the 2nd temporary molars. At the age of 5 years, the proximal surfaces of all temporary molars are usually affected.

덴탈 솔루션 장비와 함께 구강케어
Oral and maxillo-facial surgery procedures include the surgical treatment of the cervico-facial soft parts, the visceral skull bones, the salivary glands, the temporomandibular joint, reconstructive plastic surgery in the oral and maxillo-facial sphere and the surgical treatment of dento-periodontal lesions.
Dental extraction
By which an irretrievable tooth is extracted, which can no longer be treated by any conservative method
Apical resectionIt
Is a surgical method that consists in removing the apex of a tooth, together with the periapical tissue, being preceded by correctly performed endodontic treatment. Indications for apical resection :
Anatomical conditions that prevent the correct cleaning and obturation of the root canal
Diseases related to the prosthetic restoration of the involved teeth
Radical fractures
Obstacles along the length of the root canal that cannot be overcome by endodontic treatment
Periapical lesions that cannot be treated by conventional endodontic treatment
Endodontic treatment failures
Sinus lift
The maxillary sinuses are open cavities, filled with air, which are located at the level of the jaw, next to the premolars and upper molars.
The sinus lift intervention, carried out by the doctor specialized in maxillofacial surgery, is necessary when the sinus is too close to the level of the jaw and there is not enough bone for the insertion of dental implants.
The intervention will take place, like all other interventions, under local anesthesia, so that the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort.
The specialist in maxillo-facial surgery raises the sinus membrane to the level to allow the insertion of the implant. After the sinus membrane is lifted, bone is added to the newly formed cavity and the implants are inserted.After the sinus-lift intervention, the patient must strictly follow the prescribed medication and the post-operative indications indicated by the specialist, so that there is no pain whatsoever.
Gingival remodeling
Gingivectomy - with the role of removing excess gum tissue to improve the appearance of the smile. After making sure that all the involved areas are perfectly anesthetized, a small incision is made and the excess gum tissue is removed.
Gingivoplasty - with the role of surgically remodeling and recontouring the gingival tissue for aesthetic, functional or physiological purposes.Gummy smile can be caused by excessively grown gum tissue. This gingival tissue can be removed so that after healing the gums have a natural and pleasant appearance.
Periodontal surgery
Periodontal diseases, known as periodontitis , are diseases of the gums, the alveolar bone, as well as the ligaments that support the tooth in the alveolus.
The main cause is the bacterial plaque that causes inflammation of the marginal periodontium.
The initial phase is called gingivitis and is reversible through adequate treatment and maintaining a rigorous hygiene. Untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis or periodontosis and finally to the loss of the teeth on the arch.
Periodontal disease does not hurt, and most of the time the teeth are not affected at all, only the supporting elements: the gum and the bone.
Signs of periodontal disease:
Gingival bleeding when brushing, masticating or spontaneously
Bad smellRed-purple gums
Retraction of the gums and exposure of the root
Swelling (swelling) of the gums
Dental mobility
In the early stages, the treatment may consist of simple sanitation, while in the more advanced stages, subgingival curettage will be used to remove the pathological tissues.It is ideal for the patient to see the specialist from the first symptoms of the condition. Thus, the treatment will be short and preventive. Also, there are solutions for periodontal disease in advanced stages, but the later it is identified, the more complex the treatment will be.

덴탈 솔루션 장비와 함께 구강케어
Oral and maxillo-facial surgery procedures include the surgical treatment of the cervico-facial soft parts, the visceral skull bones, the salivary glands, the temporomandibular joint, reconstructive plastic surgery in the oral and maxillo-facial sphere and the surgical treatment of dento-periodontal lesions.
Dental extraction
By which an irretrievable tooth is extracted, which can no longer be treated by any conservative method
Apical resectionIt
Is a surgical method that consists in removing the apex of a tooth, together with the periapical tissue, being preceded by correctly performed endodontic treatment. Indications for apical resection :
Anatomical conditions that prevent the correct cleaning and obturation of the root canal
Diseases related to the prosthetic restoration of the involved teeth
Radical fractures
Obstacles along the length of the root canal that cannot be overcome by endodontic treatment
Periapical lesions that cannot be treated by conventional endodontic treatment
Endodontic treatment failures
Sinus lift
The maxillary sinuses are open cavities, filled with air, which are located at the level of the jaw, next to the premolars and upper molars.
The sinus lift intervention, carried out by the doctor specialized in maxillofacial surgery, is necessary when the sinus is too close to the level of the jaw and there is not enough bone for the insertion of dental implants.
The intervention will take place, like all other interventions, under local anesthesia, so that the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort.
The specialist in maxillo-facial surgery raises the sinus membrane to the level to allow the insertion of the implant. After the sinus membrane is lifted, bone is added to the newly formed cavity and the implants are inserted.After the sinus-lift intervention, the patient must strictly follow the prescribed medication and the post-operative indications indicated by the specialist, so that there is no pain whatsoever.
Gingival remodeling
Gingivectomy - with the role of removing excess gum tissue to improve the appearance of the smile. After making sure that all the involved areas are perfectly anesthetized, a small incision is made and the excess gum tissue is removed.
Gingivoplasty - with the role of surgically remodeling and recontouring the gingival tissue for aesthetic, functional or physiological purposes.Gummy smile can be caused by excessively grown gum tissue. This gingival tissue can be removed so that after healing the gums have a natural and pleasant appearance.
Periodontal surgery
Periodontal diseases, known as periodontitis , are diseases of the gums, the alveolar bone, as well as the ligaments that support the tooth in the alveolus.
The main cause is the bacterial plaque that causes inflammation of the marginal periodontium.
The initial phase is called gingivitis and is reversible through adequate treatment and maintaining a rigorous hygiene. Untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis or periodontosis and finally to the loss of the teeth on the arch.
Periodontal disease does not hurt, and most of the time the teeth are not affected at all, only the supporting elements: the gum and the bone.
Signs of periodontal disease:
Gingival bleeding when brushing, masticating or spontaneously
Bad smellRed-purple gums
Retraction of the gums and exposure of the root
Swelling (swelling) of the gums
Dental mobility
In the early stages, the treatment may consist of simple sanitation, while in the more advanced stages, subgingival curettage will be used to remove the pathological tissues.It is ideal for the patient to see the specialist from the first symptoms of the condition. Thus, the treatment will be short and preventive. Also, there are solutions for periodontal disease in advanced stages, but the later it is identified, the more complex the treatment will be.

덴탈 솔루션 장비와 함께 구강케어
Oral and maxillo-facial surgery procedures include the surgical treatment of the cervico-facial soft parts, the visceral skull bones, the salivary glands, the temporomandibular joint, reconstructive plastic surgery in the oral and maxillo-facial sphere and the surgical treatment of dento-periodontal lesions.
Dental extraction
By which an irretrievable tooth is extracted, which can no longer be treated by any conservative method
Apical resectionIt
Is a surgical method that consists in removing the apex of a tooth, together with the periapical tissue, being preceded by correctly performed endodontic treatment. Indications for apical resection :
Anatomical conditions that prevent the correct cleaning and obturation of the root canal
Diseases related to the prosthetic restoration of the involved teeth
Radical fractures
Obstacles along the length of the root canal that cannot be overcome by endodontic treatment
Periapical lesions that cannot be treated by conventional endodontic treatment
Endodontic treatment failures
Sinus lift
The maxillary sinuses are open cavities, filled with air, which are located at the level of the jaw, next to the premolars and upper molars.
The sinus lift intervention, carried out by the doctor specialized in maxillofacial surgery, is necessary when the sinus is too close to the level of the jaw and there is not enough bone for the insertion of dental implants.
The intervention will take place, like all other interventions, under local anesthesia, so that the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort.
The specialist in maxillo-facial surgery raises the sinus membrane to the level to allow the insertion of the implant. After the sinus membrane is lifted, bone is added to the newly formed cavity and the implants are inserted.After the sinus-lift intervention, the patient must strictly follow the prescribed medication and the post-operative indications indicated by the specialist, so that there is no pain whatsoever.
Gingival remodeling
Gingivectomy - with the role of removing excess gum tissue to improve the appearance of the smile. After making sure that all the involved areas are perfectly anesthetized, a small incision is made and the excess gum tissue is removed.
Gingivoplasty - with the role of surgically remodeling and recontouring the gingival tissue for aesthetic, functional or physiological purposes.Gummy smile can be caused by excessively grown gum tissue. This gingival tissue can be removed so that after healing the gums have a natural and pleasant appearance.
Periodontal surgery
Periodontal diseases, known as periodontitis , are diseases of the gums, the alveolar bone, as well as the ligaments that support the tooth in the alveolus.
The main cause is the bacterial plaque that causes inflammation of the marginal periodontium.
The initial phase is called gingivitis and is reversible through adequate treatment and maintaining a rigorous hygiene. Untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis or periodontosis and finally to the loss of the teeth on the arch.
Periodontal disease does not hurt, and most of the time the teeth are not affected at all, only the supporting elements: the gum and the bone.
Signs of periodontal disease:
Gingival bleeding when brushing, masticating or spontaneously
Bad smellRed-purple gums
Retraction of the gums and exposure of the root
Swelling (swelling) of the gums
Dental mobility
In the early stages, the treatment may consist of simple sanitation, while in the more advanced stages, subgingival curettage will be used to remove the pathological tissues.It is ideal for the patient to see the specialist from the first symptoms of the condition. Thus, the treatment will be short and preventive. Also, there are solutions for periodontal disease in advanced stages, but the later it is identified, the more complex the treatment will be.

구강 솔루션
Endodontic treatments, known under the term "nerve removal", consist of removing the affected pulp tissue of the tooth and filling the root canals with biocompatible material.
Endodontic treatment is used to preserve the affected tooth and reconstruct its natural appearance and restore masticatory functionality.
Causes of pulpal disease:
The main cause of a pulp injury is represented by untreated dental caries. However, there may be other pathologies:injuries break Other diseases related to the root and the bone surrounding the tooth
What are the symptoms of pulpal damage?
Pain that can be intermittent or constant and varying in intensitySensitivity to cold or heatEmbarrassment in masticationTooth color changeThe appearance of an abscess or a fistula
How is endodontic treatment performed?
In order to ensure a successful treatment, the endodontic specialists at the Family Dental Clinic use modern technology that consists in the use of a microscope for the three-dimensional obturation of the root canals, the use of a dam ensuring a much better prognosis and reducing intraoperative contamination with saliva, the use of apex locator, electronic instrument for measuring the length of the root canals, as well as the rotary needles used ensure efficient cleaning, complete canal obturation in a single session. By using these techniques, the success rate of endodontic treatment increases by over 90%.
The stages of treatment are:
Anesthesia and access to the pulp chamberExtraction of the affected tissue and irrigation of the canalsMechanical treatment of the canal to obtain the ideal shapeObturation of root canalsCoronal restoration of the tooth
Due to the fact that obturation is a much simpler treatment than an endodontic treatment, our recommendation is always to visit the dentist as soon as we start to notice signs of a condition, such as tooth sensitivity.

구강 솔루션
Endodontic treatments, known under the term "nerve removal", consist of removing the affected pulp tissue of the tooth and filling the root canals with biocompatible material.
Endodontic treatment is used to preserve the affected tooth and reconstruct its natural appearance and restore masticatory functionality.
Causes of pulpal disease:
The main cause of a pulp injury is represented by untreated dental caries. However, there may be other pathologies:injuries break Other diseases related to the root and the bone surrounding the tooth
What are the symptoms of pulpal damage?
Pain that can be intermittent or constant and varying in intensitySensitivity to cold or heatEmbarrassment in masticationTooth color changeThe appearance of an abscess or a fistula
How is endodontic treatment performed?
In order to ensure a successful treatment, the endodontic specialists at the Family Dental Clinic use modern technology that consists in the use of a microscope for the three-dimensional obturation of the root canals, the use of a dam ensuring a much better prognosis and reducing intraoperative contamination with saliva, the use of apex locator, electronic instrument for measuring the length of the root canals, as well as the rotary needles used ensure efficient cleaning, complete canal obturation in a single session. By using these techniques, the success rate of endodontic treatment increases by over 90%.
The stages of treatment are:
Anesthesia and access to the pulp chamberExtraction of the affected tissue and irrigation of the canalsMechanical treatment of the canal to obtain the ideal shapeObturation of root canalsCoronal restoration of the tooth
Due to the fact that obturation is a much simpler treatment than an endodontic treatment, our recommendation is always to visit the dentist as soon as we start to notice signs of a condition, such as tooth sensitivity.

구강 솔루션
Endodontic treatments, known under the term "nerve removal", consist of removing the affected pulp tissue of the tooth and filling the root canals with biocompatible material.
Endodontic treatment is used to preserve the affected tooth and reconstruct its natural appearance and restore masticatory functionality.
Causes of pulpal disease:
The main cause of a pulp injury is represented by untreated dental caries. However, there may be other pathologies:injuries break Other diseases related to the root and the bone surrounding the tooth
What are the symptoms of pulpal damage?
Pain that can be intermittent or constant and varying in intensitySensitivity to cold or heatEmbarrassment in masticationTooth color changeThe appearance of an abscess or a fistula
How is endodontic treatment performed?
In order to ensure a successful treatment, the endodontic specialists at the Family Dental Clinic use modern technology that consists in the use of a microscope for the three-dimensional obturation of the root canals, the use of a dam ensuring a much better prognosis and reducing intraoperative contamination with saliva, the use of apex locator, electronic instrument for measuring the length of the root canals, as well as the rotary needles used ensure efficient cleaning, complete canal obturation in a single session. By using these techniques, the success rate of endodontic treatment increases by over 90%.
The stages of treatment are:
Anesthesia and access to the pulp chamberExtraction of the affected tissue and irrigation of the canalsMechanical treatment of the canal to obtain the ideal shapeObturation of root canalsCoronal restoration of the tooth
Due to the fact that obturation is a much simpler treatment than an endodontic treatment, our recommendation is always to visit the dentist as soon as we start to notice signs of a condition, such as tooth sensitivity.

신경치료 장비
Dental aesthetics is born from people's desire to have a healthy and bright smile.
A high level of experience in dental aesthetics allows us to offer a wide range of options, from small corrections to offering our patients a completely new smile.
The smile is the first discovered in interpersonal relationships and for this reason the psychosocial impact is the most important.
We offer you different types of treatments at the Family Dental Clinic to achieve the long-desired smile:
Tooth whitening
We use innovative techniques such as Philips Zoom, the best teeth whitening treatment for those who want spectacular results, immediately. With its help, you can get a smile up to 8 shades whiter in just 45 minutes, eliminating food and drink stains, aging and even discoloration caused by certain types of drugs.
You will get off the dental chair with an instantly brighter and more confident smile.
Dental veneers
Dental veneers can be an excellent method to achieve a major aesthetic change in the smile. Unlike dental crowns, dental veneers only cover the visible part of the teeth and are as thin as a contact lens.
Full physiognomic dental crowns or bridges
They have the advantage of offering the best aesthetic result, being made exclusively of ceramic on a zirconium support. This eliminates any visible metal, possible allergies, and they are also much more comfortable. The result is a very resistant restoration, without metals, capable of withstanding high masticatory forces.
GingivectomyThe gums play a very important role in dental aesthetics, and a correct proportion is ideal to enjoy a perfect smile.
Dental implants
Dental implants involve not only a replacement of lost teeth, but it is also a treatment that ensures a better future and a higher quality of life. Replacing teeth is essential in dental aesthetics.
Malpositioned teeth affect the appearance of patients. Dental alignment is essential for a harmonious appearance. We offer different types of orthodontic treatments to be able to adapt them to the needs of each patient.

신경치료 장비
Dental aesthetics is born from people's desire to have a healthy and bright smile.
A high level of experience in dental aesthetics allows us to offer a wide range of options, from small corrections to offering our patients a completely new smile.
The smile is the first discovered in interpersonal relationships and for this reason the psychosocial impact is the most important.
We offer you different types of treatments at the Family Dental Clinic to achieve the long-desired smile:
Tooth whitening
We use innovative techniques such as Philips Zoom, the best teeth whitening treatment for those who want spectacular results, immediately. With its help, you can get a smile up to 8 shades whiter in just 45 minutes, eliminating food and drink stains, aging and even discoloration caused by certain types of drugs.
You will get off the dental chair with an instantly brighter and more confident smile.
Dental veneers
Dental veneers can be an excellent method to achieve a major aesthetic change in the smile. Unlike dental crowns, dental veneers only cover the visible part of the teeth and are as thin as a contact lens.
Full physiognomic dental crowns or bridges
They have the advantage of offering the best aesthetic result, being made exclusively of ceramic on a zirconium support. This eliminates any visible metal, possible allergies, and they are also much more comfortable. The result is a very resistant restoration, without metals, capable of withstanding high masticatory forces.
GingivectomyThe gums play a very important role in dental aesthetics, and a correct proportion is ideal to enjoy a perfect smile.
Dental implants
Dental implants involve not only a replacement of lost teeth, but it is also a treatment that ensures a better future and a higher quality of life. Replacing teeth is essential in dental aesthetics.
Malpositioned teeth affect the appearance of patients. Dental alignment is essential for a harmonious appearance. We offer different types of orthodontic treatments to be able to adapt them to the needs of each patient.

신경치료 장비
Dental aesthetics is born from people's desire to have a healthy and bright smile.
A high level of experience in dental aesthetics allows us to offer a wide range of options, from small corrections to offering our patients a completely new smile.
The smile is the first discovered in interpersonal relationships and for this reason the psychosocial impact is the most important.
We offer you different types of treatments at the Family Dental Clinic to achieve the long-desired smile:
Tooth whitening
We use innovative techniques such as Philips Zoom, the best teeth whitening treatment for those who want spectacular results, immediately. With its help, you can get a smile up to 8 shades whiter in just 45 minutes, eliminating food and drink stains, aging and even discoloration caused by certain types of drugs.
You will get off the dental chair with an instantly brighter and more confident smile.
Dental veneers
Dental veneers can be an excellent method to achieve a major aesthetic change in the smile. Unlike dental crowns, dental veneers only cover the visible part of the teeth and are as thin as a contact lens.
Full physiognomic dental crowns or bridges
They have the advantage of offering the best aesthetic result, being made exclusively of ceramic on a zirconium support. This eliminates any visible metal, possible allergies, and they are also much more comfortable. The result is a very resistant restoration, without metals, capable of withstanding high masticatory forces.
GingivectomyThe gums play a very important role in dental aesthetics, and a correct proportion is ideal to enjoy a perfect smile.
Dental implants
Dental implants involve not only a replacement of lost teeth, but it is also a treatment that ensures a better future and a higher quality of life. Replacing teeth is essential in dental aesthetics.
Malpositioned teeth affect the appearance of patients. Dental alignment is essential for a harmonious appearance. We offer different types of orthodontic treatments to be able to adapt them to the needs of each patient.

내옆에 임플란트 교수님
The dental implant is a modern treatment option that solves edentulous problems, allowing any edentulous patient to enjoy a flawless smile.
The essential components of the dental implant
A complete dental implant system consists of three main parts, each of which has an important role in dental reconstruction:
The actual implant
This is the foundation of the entire system and inserts directly into the jawbone. It works as an artificial root for the tooth and is usually made of titanium due to its biocompatible and durable properties.
Prosthetic abutment
The abutment is the component that connects the implant itself to the crown or dental prosthesis. It is attached to the top of the implant and serves as a support for the final restorative element.
Crown, bridge or prosthesis
The final part of the system is represented by the crown, bridge or prosthesis that attaches to the prosthetic abutment. They are manufactured to mimic the appearance and functionality of natural teeth, restoring the patient's aesthetics and masticatory efficiency.
The actual implant: the artificial root integrated into the bone.
The prosthetic abutment: the connector between the implant and the dental restoration.
Crown, bridge or denture: visible replacements that mimic natural teeth.
A dental implant is a titanium screw inserted into the jawbone to replace one or more missing teeth.
Advantages of dental implants:
Preservation of teeth neighboring the edentulous space, they remaining intact.
Chewing without problems.
Dental implants feel and look just like natural teeth.
High biocompatibility, which reduces the risk of allergy or rejection.
Long-term treatment.
Eliminates the discomfort of mobile work.
The original aesthetics can be perfectly restored or even improved.
Treatment stages:
Specialist consultation – radiological examination, evaluation of the patient's general state of health, necessary analyzes and adaptation of the treatment according to the presented situation.
The stage of the surgical intervention – the implant is inserted into the bone, following a period in which it is assimilated by the body.
Healing period – wearing the provisional prosthetic works, inserting the prosthetic abutment and adding the dental crown.
Regular check-ups and rigorous hygiene play a very important role in the success of the treatment. These checks allow any condition to be prevented or identified in its early stages. The bone support must be evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively, representing the infrastructure on which the gum develops and conforms, as well as the dental implant support. There are predictable methods to regenerate the jaw bone , so that any therapeutic compromise is avoided. These are represented by the augmentation and addition of hard tissues (bone) and soft tissues (gums and mucous membranes).
Types of dental implant
When it comes to replacing missing teeth, we have several types of dental implants available. Each type has its own characteristics, being designed to suit the different needs of patients. Here are the four main types:
Mini-dental implants
Mini-implants are thin, between 1.8 and 3 mm thick, making them perfect for small spaces or for temporary use. They are an excellent solution for patients who require support for dentures or in situations where bone space is limited.
Classic dental implants
Classic implants have a diameter between 3 and 5 mm and are the most common and universally used implants. They are based on a robust structure and are commonly used to support individual crowns or larger prosthetic work.
Fast & Fixed dental implants
These implants are specially designed for insertion into hard bone areas and are able to support dental reconstructions with fewer implants. An ideal solution for fast and efficient restorations.
Zygomatic dental implants
With larger dimensions, zygomatic implants are intended for cases where the patient does not have enough bone in the jaw. These implants are fixed into the cheekbones, providing an alternative where other types of implants cannot be used. Each type of implant has its specific advantages and can be recommended according to the patient's anatomical situation and needs. It is important to speak with your dentist to determine which type of implant is best for you.

내옆에 임플란트 교수님
The dental implant is a modern treatment option that solves edentulous problems, allowing any edentulous patient to enjoy a flawless smile.
The essential components of the dental implant
A complete dental implant system consists of three main parts, each of which has an important role in dental reconstruction:
The actual implant
This is the foundation of the entire system and inserts directly into the jawbone. It works as an artificial root for the tooth and is usually made of titanium due to its biocompatible and durable properties.
Prosthetic abutment
The abutment is the component that connects the implant itself to the crown or dental prosthesis. It is attached to the top of the implant and serves as a support for the final restorative element.
Crown, bridge or prosthesis
The final part of the system is represented by the crown, bridge or prosthesis that attaches to the prosthetic abutment. They are manufactured to mimic the appearance and functionality of natural teeth, restoring the patient's aesthetics and masticatory efficiency.
The actual implant: the artificial root integrated into the bone.
The prosthetic abutment: the connector between the implant and the dental restoration.
Crown, bridge or denture: visible replacements that mimic natural teeth.
A dental implant is a titanium screw inserted into the jawbone to replace one or more missing teeth.
Advantages of dental implants:
Preservation of teeth neighboring the edentulous space, they remaining intact.
Chewing without problems.
Dental implants feel and look just like natural teeth.
High biocompatibility, which reduces the risk of allergy or rejection.
Long-term treatment.
Eliminates the discomfort of mobile work.
The original aesthetics can be perfectly restored or even improved.
Treatment stages:
Specialist consultation – radiological examination, evaluation of the patient's general state of health, necessary analyzes and adaptation of the treatment according to the presented situation.
The stage of the surgical intervention – the implant is inserted into the bone, following a period in which it is assimilated by the body.
Healing period – wearing the provisional prosthetic works, inserting the prosthetic abutment and adding the dental crown.
Regular check-ups and rigorous hygiene play a very important role in the success of the treatment. These checks allow any condition to be prevented or identified in its early stages. The bone support must be evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively, representing the infrastructure on which the gum develops and conforms, as well as the dental implant support. There are predictable methods to regenerate the jaw bone , so that any therapeutic compromise is avoided. These are represented by the augmentation and addition of hard tissues (bone) and soft tissues (gums and mucous membranes).
Types of dental implant
When it comes to replacing missing teeth, we have several types of dental implants available. Each type has its own characteristics, being designed to suit the different needs of patients. Here are the four main types:
Mini-dental implants
Mini-implants are thin, between 1.8 and 3 mm thick, making them perfect for small spaces or for temporary use. They are an excellent solution for patients who require support for dentures or in situations where bone space is limited.
Classic dental implants
Classic implants have a diameter between 3 and 5 mm and are the most common and universally used implants. They are based on a robust structure and are commonly used to support individual crowns or larger prosthetic work.
Fast & Fixed dental implants
These implants are specially designed for insertion into hard bone areas and are able to support dental reconstructions with fewer implants. An ideal solution for fast and efficient restorations.
Zygomatic dental implants
With larger dimensions, zygomatic implants are intended for cases where the patient does not have enough bone in the jaw. These implants are fixed into the cheekbones, providing an alternative where other types of implants cannot be used. Each type of implant has its specific advantages and can be recommended according to the patient's anatomical situation and needs. It is important to speak with your dentist to determine which type of implant is best for you.

내옆에 임플란트 교수님
The dental implant is a modern treatment option that solves edentulous problems, allowing any edentulous patient to enjoy a flawless smile.
The essential components of the dental implant
A complete dental implant system consists of three main parts, each of which has an important role in dental reconstruction:
The actual implant
This is the foundation of the entire system and inserts directly into the jawbone. It works as an artificial root for the tooth and is usually made of titanium due to its biocompatible and durable properties.
Prosthetic abutment
The abutment is the component that connects the implant itself to the crown or dental prosthesis. It is attached to the top of the implant and serves as a support for the final restorative element.
Crown, bridge or prosthesis
The final part of the system is represented by the crown, bridge or prosthesis that attaches to the prosthetic abutment. They are manufactured to mimic the appearance and functionality of natural teeth, restoring the patient's aesthetics and masticatory efficiency.
The actual implant: the artificial root integrated into the bone.
The prosthetic abutment: the connector between the implant and the dental restoration.
Crown, bridge or denture: visible replacements that mimic natural teeth.
A dental implant is a titanium screw inserted into the jawbone to replace one or more missing teeth.
Advantages of dental implants:
Preservation of teeth neighboring the edentulous space, they remaining intact.
Chewing without problems.
Dental implants feel and look just like natural teeth.
High biocompatibility, which reduces the risk of allergy or rejection.
Long-term treatment.
Eliminates the discomfort of mobile work.
The original aesthetics can be perfectly restored or even improved.
Treatment stages:
Specialist consultation – radiological examination, evaluation of the patient's general state of health, necessary analyzes and adaptation of the treatment according to the presented situation.
The stage of the surgical intervention – the implant is inserted into the bone, following a period in which it is assimilated by the body.
Healing period – wearing the provisional prosthetic works, inserting the prosthetic abutment and adding the dental crown.
Regular check-ups and rigorous hygiene play a very important role in the success of the treatment. These checks allow any condition to be prevented or identified in its early stages. The bone support must be evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively, representing the infrastructure on which the gum develops and conforms, as well as the dental implant support. There are predictable methods to regenerate the jaw bone , so that any therapeutic compromise is avoided. These are represented by the augmentation and addition of hard tissues (bone) and soft tissues (gums and mucous membranes).
Types of dental implant
When it comes to replacing missing teeth, we have several types of dental implants available. Each type has its own characteristics, being designed to suit the different needs of patients. Here are the four main types:
Mini-dental implants
Mini-implants are thin, between 1.8 and 3 mm thick, making them perfect for small spaces or for temporary use. They are an excellent solution for patients who require support for dentures or in situations where bone space is limited.
Classic dental implants
Classic implants have a diameter between 3 and 5 mm and are the most common and universally used implants. They are based on a robust structure and are commonly used to support individual crowns or larger prosthetic work.
Fast & Fixed dental implants
These implants are specially designed for insertion into hard bone areas and are able to support dental reconstructions with fewer implants. An ideal solution for fast and efficient restorations.
Zygomatic dental implants
With larger dimensions, zygomatic implants are intended for cases where the patient does not have enough bone in the jaw. These implants are fixed into the cheekbones, providing an alternative where other types of implants cannot be used. Each type of implant has its specific advantages and can be recommended according to the patient's anatomical situation and needs. It is important to speak with your dentist to determine which type of implant is best for you.

빠르고 간편하게 치아교정
Introduction to the concept of fixed teeth in 24 hours
Innovation and precision define the services offered by Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest, turning the dream of a perfect smile into reality in just 24 hours. Discover how the technological advance and the expertise of our doctors make this fast and efficient transformation possible.
How the process of getting fixed teeth in 24 hours works
Initial assessment and treatment planning
At the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest, the process begins with a detailed consultation and digital planning, offering a clear and personalized perspective of the necessary treatment. This is the first step in ensuring a perfect and functional smile in record time.
Surgical procedure and provisional installation
The surgical intervention required fordental implantsis carried out with precision, immediately followed by the application of provisional solutions, in order not to leave the patient without teeth until the process is completed.
Completion and insertion of permanent teeth
The final stage is the fabrication and insertion of the permanent dental structures, designed to fit perfectly and provide maximum comfort. This is done within 24 hours thanks to the advanced technology and experienced team at Family Dental Clinic.
The benefits of fixed teeth in 24 hours
Rapidly improving aesthetics and functionality
The rapid transformation of your smile is now possible with the advanced technology available at Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest. The procedure to obtain fixed teeth in just 24 hours offers the following immediate benefits:
Immediate smile restoration for increased self-confidence.
Improving the ability to chew and speak, allowing you to enjoy a wide range of foods and clear communication.
Comfort and quick adaptation, without long periods of accommodation or discomfort.
Long term benefits
In addition to the immediate benefits, the treatment for fixed teeth in 24 hours offered by our clinic in Bucharest brings significant long-term advantages:
Long-lasting results and a natural tooth appearance, ensuring a smile you can keep for years.
Simplified care and maintenance, facilitating an effective oral hygiene routine.
Preventing bone atrophy and maintaining facial structure, contributing to a younger and healthier appearance.
Post-procedural care
Follow-up and necessary adjustments
The importance of post-procedural checks and adjustments for optimal comfort is crucial. After the implantation procedure at the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest, it is essential to follow all the doctor's instructions and participate in all the scheduled checks to ensure the success and longevity of your implants.
Tips for a quick and effective recovery
For a quick and uncomplicated recovery, it is important to strictly follow the advice of the implantologist. These may include recommendations regarding diet, maintaining proper oral hygiene and avoiding certain physical activities in the period immediately following the intervention. At our clinic in Bucharest, we provide you with all the necessary information to get through the post-procedural period with ease.
Prices for fixed teeth in 24 hours
Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest offers its patients accessible and transparent financing options. The pricing structure for quick fixed teeth services is as follows:
The full FAST&FIXED package with 6 dental implants and temporary work is valued at 7500 euros.
For the FAST&FIXED package with 4 dental implants and temporary work, the cost is 4000 euros.
To facilitate access to our treatments, we offer various financing options and rates adapted to the needs of patients.

빠르고 간편하게 치아교정
Introduction to the concept of fixed teeth in 24 hours
Innovation and precision define the services offered by Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest, turning the dream of a perfect smile into reality in just 24 hours. Discover how the technological advance and the expertise of our doctors make this fast and efficient transformation possible.
How the process of getting fixed teeth in 24 hours works
Initial assessment and treatment planning
At the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest, the process begins with a detailed consultation and digital planning, offering a clear and personalized perspective of the necessary treatment. This is the first step in ensuring a perfect and functional smile in record time.
Surgical procedure and provisional installation
The surgical intervention required fordental implantsis carried out with precision, immediately followed by the application of provisional solutions, in order not to leave the patient without teeth until the process is completed.
Completion and insertion of permanent teeth
The final stage is the fabrication and insertion of the permanent dental structures, designed to fit perfectly and provide maximum comfort. This is done within 24 hours thanks to the advanced technology and experienced team at Family Dental Clinic.
The benefits of fixed teeth in 24 hours
Rapidly improving aesthetics and functionality
The rapid transformation of your smile is now possible with the advanced technology available at Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest. The procedure to obtain fixed teeth in just 24 hours offers the following immediate benefits:
Immediate smile restoration for increased self-confidence.
Improving the ability to chew and speak, allowing you to enjoy a wide range of foods and clear communication.
Comfort and quick adaptation, without long periods of accommodation or discomfort.
Long term benefits
In addition to the immediate benefits, the treatment for fixed teeth in 24 hours offered by our clinic in Bucharest brings significant long-term advantages:
Long-lasting results and a natural tooth appearance, ensuring a smile you can keep for years.
Simplified care and maintenance, facilitating an effective oral hygiene routine.
Preventing bone atrophy and maintaining facial structure, contributing to a younger and healthier appearance.
Post-procedural care
Follow-up and necessary adjustments
The importance of post-procedural checks and adjustments for optimal comfort is crucial. After the implantation procedure at the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest, it is essential to follow all the doctor's instructions and participate in all the scheduled checks to ensure the success and longevity of your implants.
Tips for a quick and effective recovery
For a quick and uncomplicated recovery, it is important to strictly follow the advice of the implantologist. These may include recommendations regarding diet, maintaining proper oral hygiene and avoiding certain physical activities in the period immediately following the intervention. At our clinic in Bucharest, we provide you with all the necessary information to get through the post-procedural period with ease.
Prices for fixed teeth in 24 hours
Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest offers its patients accessible and transparent financing options. The pricing structure for quick fixed teeth services is as follows:
The full FAST&FIXED package with 6 dental implants and temporary work is valued at 7500 euros.
For the FAST&FIXED package with 4 dental implants and temporary work, the cost is 4000 euros.
To facilitate access to our treatments, we offer various financing options and rates adapted to the needs of patients.

빠르고 간편하게 치아교정
Introduction to the concept of fixed teeth in 24 hours
Innovation and precision define the services offered by Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest, turning the dream of a perfect smile into reality in just 24 hours. Discover how the technological advance and the expertise of our doctors make this fast and efficient transformation possible.
How the process of getting fixed teeth in 24 hours works
Initial assessment and treatment planning
At the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest, the process begins with a detailed consultation and digital planning, offering a clear and personalized perspective of the necessary treatment. This is the first step in ensuring a perfect and functional smile in record time.
Surgical procedure and provisional installation
The surgical intervention required fordental implantsis carried out with precision, immediately followed by the application of provisional solutions, in order not to leave the patient without teeth until the process is completed.
Completion and insertion of permanent teeth
The final stage is the fabrication and insertion of the permanent dental structures, designed to fit perfectly and provide maximum comfort. This is done within 24 hours thanks to the advanced technology and experienced team at Family Dental Clinic.
The benefits of fixed teeth in 24 hours
Rapidly improving aesthetics and functionality
The rapid transformation of your smile is now possible with the advanced technology available at Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest. The procedure to obtain fixed teeth in just 24 hours offers the following immediate benefits:
Immediate smile restoration for increased self-confidence.
Improving the ability to chew and speak, allowing you to enjoy a wide range of foods and clear communication.
Comfort and quick adaptation, without long periods of accommodation or discomfort.
Long term benefits
In addition to the immediate benefits, the treatment for fixed teeth in 24 hours offered by our clinic in Bucharest brings significant long-term advantages:
Long-lasting results and a natural tooth appearance, ensuring a smile you can keep for years.
Simplified care and maintenance, facilitating an effective oral hygiene routine.
Preventing bone atrophy and maintaining facial structure, contributing to a younger and healthier appearance.
Post-procedural care
Follow-up and necessary adjustments
The importance of post-procedural checks and adjustments for optimal comfort is crucial. After the implantation procedure at the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest, it is essential to follow all the doctor's instructions and participate in all the scheduled checks to ensure the success and longevity of your implants.
Tips for a quick and effective recovery
For a quick and uncomplicated recovery, it is important to strictly follow the advice of the implantologist. These may include recommendations regarding diet, maintaining proper oral hygiene and avoiding certain physical activities in the period immediately following the intervention. At our clinic in Bucharest, we provide you with all the necessary information to get through the post-procedural period with ease.
Prices for fixed teeth in 24 hours
Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest offers its patients accessible and transparent financing options. The pricing structure for quick fixed teeth services is as follows:
The full FAST&FIXED package with 6 dental implants and temporary work is valued at 7500 euros.
For the FAST&FIXED package with 4 dental implants and temporary work, the cost is 4000 euros.
To facilitate access to our treatments, we offer various financing options and rates adapted to the needs of patients.

발치의 정석
What is a dental appliance?
Definition and Usage
Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry focused on correcting dento-maxillary irregularities and improving dental occlusion. Braces, an essential orthodontic tool, are used to align and straighten teeth, contributing to oral health and improving facial aesthetics. It intervenes in the correction of the dental arches and the position of the jaws, thus restoring the morphological and functional balance of the oral cavity.
Benefits of orthodontic treatment
Orthodontic treatment offers many benefits, including improving the ability to chew and speak, preventing premature tooth wear and gum problems. In addition, correcting the position of teeth and jaws can have a significant impact on patients' facial appearance and self-confidence, improving quality of life.
Types of dental appliances
In modern dentistry, there are several types of dental appliances, each with its own advantages, adapted to the needs and preferences of patients.
Fixed dental appliances
Fixed dental appliances are the most common and include both metal fixed appliances , appreciated for their therapeutic efficiency and low cost, and ceramic fixed appliances , which offer reduced visibility due to brackets made of ceramic. This type of device is suitable for adults who are looking for a discreet solution without compromising the effectiveness of the treatment.
Mobile dental appliances
Unlike fixed braces, removable braces are removable, easy to clean and can be removed at meals or during dental cleanings. They are often used in less complex cases or as part of post-orthodontic treatment to maintain results.
Invisible braces
Among the most innovative solutions are invisible braces , such as Invisalign, which consist of a series of customized and nearly undetectable aligners. This method is especially preferred by adult patients, due to its superior aesthetic appearance and ease of use.
Each patient benefits from a personalized treatment plan, carefully analyzing the occlusion, position and relationship of the teeth, to ensure not only an aesthetic smile, but also optimal functionality of the dental arches.
For more information and to determine which type of dental appliance best suits your needs, we invite you to schedule a consultation at our clinic. Our team of specialists in orthodontics and facial orthopedics will guide you in choosing the best solution for a healthy and attractive smile.
What are dental appliances made of?
At the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest, dental appliances are created from various materials to meet the needs and preferences of each patient.
Comparison between materials
Dental braces can be made from different materials, each with its own advantages and disadvantages:
Metal: Durable and effective, but more visible.
Ceramic: Aesthetically pleasing, almost invisible, but more fragile than metal.
Clear plastic: Invisible, ideal for patients who want a discreet solution, but may require a longer treatment period.
Recommendations based on needs and budget
The choice of material for dental braces at our clinic in Bucharest is made taking into account the specific needs of the patient and the available budget. Our orthodontists will guide each patient to the best option for their oral health and comfort.
From what age is it recommended to wear braces?
Guidelines for children and adolescents
Orthodontic treatment can begin at an early age, once all permanent teeth have erupted. This approach allows the correction of deviations and dental problems as soon as possible, facilitating a harmonious and healthy development of your child's teeth.
Considerations for adults
Adults can also benefit from the orthodontic treatment offered by Family Dental Clinic Bucharest, although the treatment may take longer due to the higher bone density. It's never too late to get the smile you want and improve your dental health.
How does the treatment with dental braces proceed?
Initial assessment and treatment planning
The orthodontic treatment process begins with a detailed initial evaluation. This includes analysis of dental condition and facial structure, using radiographs and dental models, to create a personalized and effective treatment plan.
Adjustment process and adjustment period
Once the braces are applied, there is a period of adjustment and adjustment. Patients can expect regular visits to our clinic for adjustments and monitoring, ensuring optimal treatment progress and patient comfort.
Dental care and oral hygiene
Maintaining proper oral hygiene is crucial during orthodontic treatment. We provide our patients with detailed instructions on how to care for their braces and maintain good oral health to ensure successful results and avoid complications.
The advantages of treatment with dental appliances
Aesthetic and functional benefitsThe orthodontic treatment offered by the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest not only improves dental alignment and the appearance of the smile, but also helps the proper functioning of the bite. This leads to an improvement in mastication and speech, along with increased self-confidence of the patients.Impact on oral and general healthWe emphasize the importance of an orthodontic treatment not only for aesthetics, but also for general health. Correctly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease. Also, correcting malocclusion can reduce stress on the temporomandibular joint and improve overall health.
Costs associated with orthodontic treatment
Factors influencing priceThe price of orthodontic treatment may vary depending on the type of appliance chosen, the complexity of the case and the duration of the treatment. Also, the materials used and the technology involved can influence costs.Tips for managing costsTo make orthodontic treatment more affordable, we suggest you talk to your orthodontist about available payment options, consider using your health insurance if covered, and compare prices for different types of appliances.

발치의 정석
What is a dental appliance?
Definition and Usage
Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry focused on correcting dento-maxillary irregularities and improving dental occlusion. Braces, an essential orthodontic tool, are used to align and straighten teeth, contributing to oral health and improving facial aesthetics. It intervenes in the correction of the dental arches and the position of the jaws, thus restoring the morphological and functional balance of the oral cavity.
Benefits of orthodontic treatment
Orthodontic treatment offers many benefits, including improving the ability to chew and speak, preventing premature tooth wear and gum problems. In addition, correcting the position of teeth and jaws can have a significant impact on patients' facial appearance and self-confidence, improving quality of life.
Types of dental appliances
In modern dentistry, there are several types of dental appliances, each with its own advantages, adapted to the needs and preferences of patients.
Fixed dental appliances
Fixed dental appliances are the most common and include both metal fixed appliances , appreciated for their therapeutic efficiency and low cost, and ceramic fixed appliances , which offer reduced visibility due to brackets made of ceramic. This type of device is suitable for adults who are looking for a discreet solution without compromising the effectiveness of the treatment.
Mobile dental appliances
Unlike fixed braces, removable braces are removable, easy to clean and can be removed at meals or during dental cleanings. They are often used in less complex cases or as part of post-orthodontic treatment to maintain results.
Invisible braces
Among the most innovative solutions are invisible braces , such as Invisalign, which consist of a series of customized and nearly undetectable aligners. This method is especially preferred by adult patients, due to its superior aesthetic appearance and ease of use.
Each patient benefits from a personalized treatment plan, carefully analyzing the occlusion, position and relationship of the teeth, to ensure not only an aesthetic smile, but also optimal functionality of the dental arches.
For more information and to determine which type of dental appliance best suits your needs, we invite you to schedule a consultation at our clinic. Our team of specialists in orthodontics and facial orthopedics will guide you in choosing the best solution for a healthy and attractive smile.
What are dental appliances made of?
At the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest, dental appliances are created from various materials to meet the needs and preferences of each patient.
Comparison between materials
Dental braces can be made from different materials, each with its own advantages and disadvantages:
Metal: Durable and effective, but more visible.
Ceramic: Aesthetically pleasing, almost invisible, but more fragile than metal.
Clear plastic: Invisible, ideal for patients who want a discreet solution, but may require a longer treatment period.
Recommendations based on needs and budget
The choice of material for dental braces at our clinic in Bucharest is made taking into account the specific needs of the patient and the available budget. Our orthodontists will guide each patient to the best option for their oral health and comfort.
From what age is it recommended to wear braces?
Guidelines for children and adolescents
Orthodontic treatment can begin at an early age, once all permanent teeth have erupted. This approach allows the correction of deviations and dental problems as soon as possible, facilitating a harmonious and healthy development of your child's teeth.
Considerations for adults
Adults can also benefit from the orthodontic treatment offered by Family Dental Clinic Bucharest, although the treatment may take longer due to the higher bone density. It's never too late to get the smile you want and improve your dental health.
How does the treatment with dental braces proceed?
Initial assessment and treatment planning
The orthodontic treatment process begins with a detailed initial evaluation. This includes analysis of dental condition and facial structure, using radiographs and dental models, to create a personalized and effective treatment plan.
Adjustment process and adjustment period
Once the braces are applied, there is a period of adjustment and adjustment. Patients can expect regular visits to our clinic for adjustments and monitoring, ensuring optimal treatment progress and patient comfort.
Dental care and oral hygiene
Maintaining proper oral hygiene is crucial during orthodontic treatment. We provide our patients with detailed instructions on how to care for their braces and maintain good oral health to ensure successful results and avoid complications.
The advantages of treatment with dental appliances
Aesthetic and functional benefitsThe orthodontic treatment offered by the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest not only improves dental alignment and the appearance of the smile, but also helps the proper functioning of the bite. This leads to an improvement in mastication and speech, along with increased self-confidence of the patients.Impact on oral and general healthWe emphasize the importance of an orthodontic treatment not only for aesthetics, but also for general health. Correctly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease. Also, correcting malocclusion can reduce stress on the temporomandibular joint and improve overall health.
Costs associated with orthodontic treatment
Factors influencing priceThe price of orthodontic treatment may vary depending on the type of appliance chosen, the complexity of the case and the duration of the treatment. Also, the materials used and the technology involved can influence costs.Tips for managing costsTo make orthodontic treatment more affordable, we suggest you talk to your orthodontist about available payment options, consider using your health insurance if covered, and compare prices for different types of appliances.

발치의 정석
What is a dental appliance?
Definition and Usage
Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry focused on correcting dento-maxillary irregularities and improving dental occlusion. Braces, an essential orthodontic tool, are used to align and straighten teeth, contributing to oral health and improving facial aesthetics. It intervenes in the correction of the dental arches and the position of the jaws, thus restoring the morphological and functional balance of the oral cavity.
Benefits of orthodontic treatment
Orthodontic treatment offers many benefits, including improving the ability to chew and speak, preventing premature tooth wear and gum problems. In addition, correcting the position of teeth and jaws can have a significant impact on patients' facial appearance and self-confidence, improving quality of life.
Types of dental appliances
In modern dentistry, there are several types of dental appliances, each with its own advantages, adapted to the needs and preferences of patients.
Fixed dental appliances
Fixed dental appliances are the most common and include both metal fixed appliances , appreciated for their therapeutic efficiency and low cost, and ceramic fixed appliances , which offer reduced visibility due to brackets made of ceramic. This type of device is suitable for adults who are looking for a discreet solution without compromising the effectiveness of the treatment.
Mobile dental appliances
Unlike fixed braces, removable braces are removable, easy to clean and can be removed at meals or during dental cleanings. They are often used in less complex cases or as part of post-orthodontic treatment to maintain results.
Invisible braces
Among the most innovative solutions are invisible braces , such as Invisalign, which consist of a series of customized and nearly undetectable aligners. This method is especially preferred by adult patients, due to its superior aesthetic appearance and ease of use.
Each patient benefits from a personalized treatment plan, carefully analyzing the occlusion, position and relationship of the teeth, to ensure not only an aesthetic smile, but also optimal functionality of the dental arches.
For more information and to determine which type of dental appliance best suits your needs, we invite you to schedule a consultation at our clinic. Our team of specialists in orthodontics and facial orthopedics will guide you in choosing the best solution for a healthy and attractive smile.
What are dental appliances made of?
At the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest, dental appliances are created from various materials to meet the needs and preferences of each patient.
Comparison between materials
Dental braces can be made from different materials, each with its own advantages and disadvantages:
Metal: Durable and effective, but more visible.
Ceramic: Aesthetically pleasing, almost invisible, but more fragile than metal.
Clear plastic: Invisible, ideal for patients who want a discreet solution, but may require a longer treatment period.
Recommendations based on needs and budget
The choice of material for dental braces at our clinic in Bucharest is made taking into account the specific needs of the patient and the available budget. Our orthodontists will guide each patient to the best option for their oral health and comfort.
From what age is it recommended to wear braces?
Guidelines for children and adolescents
Orthodontic treatment can begin at an early age, once all permanent teeth have erupted. This approach allows the correction of deviations and dental problems as soon as possible, facilitating a harmonious and healthy development of your child's teeth.
Considerations for adults
Adults can also benefit from the orthodontic treatment offered by Family Dental Clinic Bucharest, although the treatment may take longer due to the higher bone density. It's never too late to get the smile you want and improve your dental health.
How does the treatment with dental braces proceed?
Initial assessment and treatment planning
The orthodontic treatment process begins with a detailed initial evaluation. This includes analysis of dental condition and facial structure, using radiographs and dental models, to create a personalized and effective treatment plan.
Adjustment process and adjustment period
Once the braces are applied, there is a period of adjustment and adjustment. Patients can expect regular visits to our clinic for adjustments and monitoring, ensuring optimal treatment progress and patient comfort.
Dental care and oral hygiene
Maintaining proper oral hygiene is crucial during orthodontic treatment. We provide our patients with detailed instructions on how to care for their braces and maintain good oral health to ensure successful results and avoid complications.
The advantages of treatment with dental appliances
Aesthetic and functional benefitsThe orthodontic treatment offered by the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest not only improves dental alignment and the appearance of the smile, but also helps the proper functioning of the bite. This leads to an improvement in mastication and speech, along with increased self-confidence of the patients.Impact on oral and general healthWe emphasize the importance of an orthodontic treatment not only for aesthetics, but also for general health. Correctly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease. Also, correcting malocclusion can reduce stress on the temporomandibular joint and improve overall health.
Costs associated with orthodontic treatment
Factors influencing priceThe price of orthodontic treatment may vary depending on the type of appliance chosen, the complexity of the case and the duration of the treatment. Also, the materials used and the technology involved can influence costs.Tips for managing costsTo make orthodontic treatment more affordable, we suggest you talk to your orthodontist about available payment options, consider using your health insurance if covered, and compare prices for different types of appliances.

숨어있는 사랑니 발치는 퍼실리티즈
Understanding periodontal disease
Periodontal disease, also known as periodontitis, is an inflammatory condition that affects the supporting tissues of the tooth. This includes the gum, bone and periodontal ligament. It often starts with mild symptoms that can be easily ignored, such as gum inflammation or occasional bleeding while brushing. However, if left untreated, it can progress to more serious problems such as tooth loss.
Causes and symptoms
What triggers periodontal disease
The main causes of periodontal disease include the accumulation of bacterial plaque and the formation of tartar, which can lead to inflammation and infection. Factors such as poor oral hygiene, smoking, diabetes and genetic predisposition can increase the risk of developing this condition.
Symptoms to look out for
Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing
Inflammation and redness of the gums
Gum recession, which can make teeth appear longer
Feeling of tension or discomfort in the gums
Persistent halitosis and bad taste in the mouth
Increased tooth mobility
Modern laser treatment in Bucharest
At the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest, we use the latest laser technology to treat periodontal disease with increased precision and effectiveness. Laser treatment allows for rapid and minimally invasive healing, reducing discomfort and recovery time.
The benefits of laser treatment
Significantly reduces bacteria in periodontal pockets
It stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues
Minimizes bleeding and inflammation
It allows for a quick and less painful recovery
Prevention: The key to lasting oral health
Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to preventing periodontal disease. Regular dental check-ups, correct brushing and flossing techniques, and quitting smoking can significantly reduce the risk. At Family Dental Clinic, we are dedicated to guiding you through preventative measures and providing personalized care to keep your smile healthy and bright.
The step to a healthy smile
Do you want to prevent or treat periodontal disease? Our team of specialists is here to provide you with the most effective solutions. Contact the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest for a consultation and start the journey to optimal oral health.

숨어있는 사랑니 발치는 퍼실리티즈
Understanding periodontal disease
Periodontal disease, also known as periodontitis, is an inflammatory condition that affects the supporting tissues of the tooth. This includes the gum, bone and periodontal ligament. It often starts with mild symptoms that can be easily ignored, such as gum inflammation or occasional bleeding while brushing. However, if left untreated, it can progress to more serious problems such as tooth loss.
Causes and symptoms
What triggers periodontal disease
The main causes of periodontal disease include the accumulation of bacterial plaque and the formation of tartar, which can lead to inflammation and infection. Factors such as poor oral hygiene, smoking, diabetes and genetic predisposition can increase the risk of developing this condition.
Symptoms to look out for
Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing
Inflammation and redness of the gums
Gum recession, which can make teeth appear longer
Feeling of tension or discomfort in the gums
Persistent halitosis and bad taste in the mouth
Increased tooth mobility
Modern laser treatment in Bucharest
At the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest, we use the latest laser technology to treat periodontal disease with increased precision and effectiveness. Laser treatment allows for rapid and minimally invasive healing, reducing discomfort and recovery time.
The benefits of laser treatment
Significantly reduces bacteria in periodontal pockets
It stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues
Minimizes bleeding and inflammation
It allows for a quick and less painful recovery
Prevention: The key to lasting oral health
Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to preventing periodontal disease. Regular dental check-ups, correct brushing and flossing techniques, and quitting smoking can significantly reduce the risk. At Family Dental Clinic, we are dedicated to guiding you through preventative measures and providing personalized care to keep your smile healthy and bright.
The step to a healthy smile
Do you want to prevent or treat periodontal disease? Our team of specialists is here to provide you with the most effective solutions. Contact the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest for a consultation and start the journey to optimal oral health.

숨어있는 사랑니 발치는 퍼실리티즈
Understanding periodontal disease
Periodontal disease, also known as periodontitis, is an inflammatory condition that affects the supporting tissues of the tooth. This includes the gum, bone and periodontal ligament. It often starts with mild symptoms that can be easily ignored, such as gum inflammation or occasional bleeding while brushing. However, if left untreated, it can progress to more serious problems such as tooth loss.
Causes and symptoms
What triggers periodontal disease
The main causes of periodontal disease include the accumulation of bacterial plaque and the formation of tartar, which can lead to inflammation and infection. Factors such as poor oral hygiene, smoking, diabetes and genetic predisposition can increase the risk of developing this condition.
Symptoms to look out for
Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing
Inflammation and redness of the gums
Gum recession, which can make teeth appear longer
Feeling of tension or discomfort in the gums
Persistent halitosis and bad taste in the mouth
Increased tooth mobility
Modern laser treatment in Bucharest
At the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest, we use the latest laser technology to treat periodontal disease with increased precision and effectiveness. Laser treatment allows for rapid and minimally invasive healing, reducing discomfort and recovery time.
The benefits of laser treatment
Significantly reduces bacteria in periodontal pockets
It stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues
Minimizes bleeding and inflammation
It allows for a quick and less painful recovery
Prevention: The key to lasting oral health
Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to preventing periodontal disease. Regular dental check-ups, correct brushing and flossing techniques, and quitting smoking can significantly reduce the risk. At Family Dental Clinic, we are dedicated to guiding you through preventative measures and providing personalized care to keep your smile healthy and bright.
The step to a healthy smile
Do you want to prevent or treat periodontal disease? Our team of specialists is here to provide you with the most effective solutions. Contact the Family Dental Clinic in Bucharest for a consultation and start the journey to optimal oral health.

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9:00 - 20:00
Tuesday - Thursday
11:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 20:00
Saturday - Sunday
02 1234 5678
105, Namsangongwon-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
© 2024 EIN AGENCY All rights reserved.

이 페이지는 포트폴리오용으로 치과장비 전문 홈페이지 컨셉으로 개발한 사이트입니다. 실제 운영하는 사이트가 아닙니다.
9:00 - 20:00
Tuesday - Thursday
11:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 20:00
Saturday - Sunday
02 1234 5678
105, Namsangongwon-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
© 2024 EIN AGENCY All rights reserved.