최신 신기술 케어 솔루션

최신 신기술
케어 솔루션

최신 신기술 케어 솔루션

해외 사례와 논문을 바탕으로 작성된 덴탈 케어 솔루션 기술에 대한 블로그입니다.

해외 사례와 논문을 바탕으로 작성된 덴탈 케어 솔루션 기술에 대한 블로그입니다.

해외 사례와 논문을 바탕으로 작성된 덴탈 케어 솔루션 기술에 대한 블로그입니다.

Apr 15, 2024

화이트닝을 위한 준비

Safe, effective and fast, with long-lasting results. There are a lot of factors including your diet (coffee, tea, carbonated drinks) and lifestyle (smoking) that trigger the yellowing of teeth. If you want to get rid of unsightly color and tooth stains, you've come to the right place!
Millions of patients around the world have enjoyed brighter smiles with teeth whitening treatment. At Family Dental Clinic, we offer two types of teeth whitening included in the treatment: ZOOM teeth whitening, which is performed by dentists, and home teeth whitening, where patients are given a personalized kit and a whitening kit to use at home, included in the price of the treatment.
The entire whitening process can take up to 2 hours. Depending on the initial color of your teeth, you can get a result up to 8 shades whiter.
Zoom teeth whitening is the most requested whitening procedure by patients because it is proven to be safe, effective and fast.

Advantages of ZOOM teeth whitening:
  • Fast and convenient
  • Whiter teeth by up to 8 shades 
  • Long lasting results 
  • Low sensitivity 
  • Safe, comfortable and efficient 

Teeth whitening at home
Philips Zoom home whitening kits are a safe and convenient way to achieve a significantly whiter smile in one to two weeks. You will get professional results, at an affordable price, with minimal or no sensitivity.
To ensure that you benefit from safety and comfort, all our treatments begin with a consultation with the dentist. He will prescribe the best whitening kit for your teeth and answer any questions you may have. You will thus have all the necessary knowledge to whiten your smile safely and effectively at home.
The dentist will make a set of customized mouthguards that fit perfectly on your teeth and on the gum line, so that you get safe and effective results. 
The ZOOM home kit includes:
  • 2 whitening gels
  • Custom bottles
  • Support for drinking glasses
  • Consult a dentist 
Key instructions
  1. A dental check-up is necessary before treatment to ensure that you are a suitable candidate.
  2. For the best results, a professional sanitization will be performed before the whitening treatment.
  3. After the treatment, it is recommended not to eat or drink for 2 hours.We recommend that you do not skip a meal before your dentist appointment.

Mar 15, 2022

우리 아이의 치아는 언제 발치해야할까?

If you do not use dental floss, skip cleaning 1/3 of the dental surface. Approximately 30% of people use dental floss incorrectly, although it should be part of everyone's oral care routine, and this habit in children should start around the age of 4. Brushing your child's teeth twice a day with an age-appropriate toothpaste is essential, but brushing alone is not enough for complete oral hygiene.
There are places that brushes cannot reach, especially the spaces between the child's teeth. Flossing will help dislodge plaque   and keep these areas clean.
5 tips on flossing for parents
1. Start as soon as possible
Children should start flossing as soon as two teeth touch. Your child's pedodontist is the most recommended person to show you the correct way to use dental floss.
2. Use child restraints
Due to their design, they are much more pleasant for children and are much easier to use.
3. Supervise your child
Older children may be able to use dental floss properly, but it is recommended to supervise them until they are between 8-10 years old.
And the little ones can practice using dental floss through play, as in the picture below:
4. Keep dental floss handy
Store dental floss in the bathroom, car and purse. Keep them in a visible place so you can remember to use them once a day, in the evening before brushing and whenever you feel the need.
5. The child is led by an example
Show your child that flossing is also part of your daily routine.
Floss and have fun together!

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9:00 - 20:00

Tuesday - Thursday

11:00 - 22:00


10:00 - 20:00

Saturday - Sunday



02 1234 5678

105, Namsangongwon-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

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